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근무별 채용정보
Data : 18-01-24 15:06
'University-linked Online Job Support Process'
 author : 운영자
Hit : 2,732  
경기도일자리재단, 30일 ‘대학연계 온라인취업지원과정’ 설명회
Gyeonggi Provincial Job Foundation, a briefing session on 'University-linked Online Job Support Process'


Gyeonggi Job Foundation will recruit universities that participate in 'University-linked Online Job Support Program' in first half of 2018 and hold business briefing sessions.

The briefing session will be held at 2 p.m. on Thursday at Yongin Material's Women's Ability Development Headquarters, and will cover job support officials from all universities in the province and women's universities nationwide.

The briefing session will feature examples of the operation of participating universities in the previous year and a new linking process to be opened this year.The "University-linked Online Job Support Program" is a service offered on Gyeonggi Province's flagship online job support site "Dream Wings(www.dream.go.kr)' Since 2014, the Gyeonggi Workplaces Foundation has been running job-linked courses and free credits at some 40 affiliated universities. In the first half of this year, content related to "blind recruitment" will be introduced, which is a hot topic in the job market, and a process to link human aptitude tests by job-hope field.

For more information, please contact the Gyeonggi Provincial Office of Korea


경기도일자리재단이 2018年 상반기 '대학연계 온라인취업지원과정' 참여 대학을 모집하고, 사업 설명회를 개최한다.

설명회는 오는 30일 오후 2시 용인소재 여성능력개발본부에서 열리며, 도내 소재 모든 대학과 전국 여성대학의 취업지원 담당자들을 대상으로 한다.

이번 설명회에서는 전년도 참여 대학들의 운영 사례와 올해 새롭게 개설될 연계과정이 소개될 예정이다.'대학연계 온라인취업지원과정'은 경기도 대표 온라인 취업지원 사이트 '꿈날개(www.dream.go.kr)'에서 제공되는 서비스다. 경기도일자리재단은 2014년부터 40여 제휴 대학에 취업 연계 과목과 무료 학점취득 과정을 운영하고 있다. 올해 상반기에는 최근 채용시장의 화두인 '블라인드 채용' 관련 콘텐츠와 취업희망분야별 인적성검사 모의테스트 연계과정 등이 도입될 예정이다.

자세한 사항은 경기도일자리재단으로 문의  ㅣ http://www.gjf.or.kr/

Petar 22-05-10 21:57
Please consider that I am in a hotel only for a few days.
If I get a job, I stay, otherwise I can't and I will have to leave.

Thank you in advance for your attention and understanding.

Dear Miss/Mr

I am sending you a summary of myself .

I am Doctor Yalin Georgi Kuddan, with a double nationality, double specialist-decorated with the Medal of Honor-Moscow for my research in the matter of what is called the realization of the nucleis fusion-in the field of particle accelerators-with miniaturization of the process of feasibility of the reaction and realizable in piezoelectric crystalline networks with vectorization of the said process-orientation-very high miniaturized matter technology, of point-Moscow.

I am also a Doctor in the field of industry and ultra-sensitive solar technology in the transition phase - application also for countries with hot climates-The Bulgarian Academy of Sciences,Sofia-Bulgaria.

In this connection I have some publications, one of which was published on Solar Application - Technology and Industrialization by NATO Science Series Kluwer Publishers, London.

Proceedings of the NATO Advanced Study Institute on Photovoltaic Photoactive Materials-Properties,Technology and Applications.

Catalog record for this book is available from the library of Congress.

Published by Kluwer Academic Publishers,P.O.Box17,3300 AA Dordrecht,The Netherlands.

Sold And Distributed in North,Central and South America by Kluwer Academic Publishers 101 Philip Drive,Norwell,MA 02061,U.S.A.

I am also a solo inventor and whose work, my diagrams on an extraordinary solar power plant and others was unanimously recognized by the experts of the European Union as well as approved by the Washington Statistical Report.

A Solar Power Plant resembling two drops of water to a mobile refrigerator and able to light up an entire city 24 hours a day.

24 hours per 24.

I am fluent in five languages:
French, Russian, Bulgarian, English and Arabic.

I could teach students,children....General physics,languages...

I was approached in the recent past by US Senators and Governors for various online advice.

I was invited by a close past to various conferences and scientific exhibitions (Japan and others....)
As well as guest of honor by the Euronaval, 23>26 October 2018 Paris.

Please accept, Dear Miss/Mr,

My deep consideration and esteem.

Doctor Yalin Georgi Kuddan

Hotel Skypark
T.0269528991 (02-6900-9300)
Seoul-South Korea
Email:Praznikk123@outlook.comPseudonym of the Email:Petar Stefan

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